As many of the right have not so eloquently pointed out: what about your hate filled rhetoric about Bush and Iraq? What's the difference? It's true, many liberals and Democrats espoused vast quantities of hate towards the President after he invaded Iraq and called for his death and head on a pike.
But here is the difference: that kind of talk stemmed from the absolute limit of the politcal spectrum. Our leaders, our elected officials, never joined in on that chorus. John Kerry, John McCain, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton weren't the ones appearing on cable news shows, plastering photos of their "targets" on websites, and delivering hate-filled speeches to hungry, ravenous crowds. Sure, they were against the war, sure they disliked Bush's policies, but they never joined in with the murderous screams echoing from these groups. That's the difference.
Enter the new crop of GOP leadership -- Sarah Palin (a vice presidential candidate), Rand Paul (a U.S. Senator) Dick Armey (a U.S. Representative) and Glenn Beck (a Conservative personality on radio and TV) who all openly deliver lie after lie about our country, our government, and especially our president. They call Obama a socialist, a communist, a nazi, a marxist, a radical Muslim, and a racist that "hates" white people. These people wield enormous power and influence not just in their districts, but across the country thanks to their own propaganda network. They, along with others, continuously villify anyone who does not agree with them with the intention of scaring average Americans with the ideas that our government is evil(now that our government is being run by someone else that is not them).
Here is also the difference: President Bush was never shot at, never attacked (except for someone with a shoe in a foreign country), neither were any member of the GOP for 8 years. Liberals are not the ones stockpiling weapons and ammunition and talking about second amendment solutions and trigger options. That's not us. We talk a big game, sure. But the threat of violence from a hippy, tree-hugging, liberal, is about as likely as a contestant on the Biggest Loser turning down desert.
So comfort yourself all you want that we are exactly the same as the Tea Party or Conservative riff-raff clogging up the political world, but deep down you know that's not true, and you know that your skewed perspective, twisted rationale and vitrol for this government (that is still a goverment of the people, by the people, and for the people) has resulted in a population (all be it, small population) armed to the teeth with the notion that killing and shooting people to protect "liberty" or "freedom" is okay. That blood is on your hands.
And I won't call for your death, or your doom, or for someone to kill you. I will pray for your souls, for your lives, and hope that you will ask forgiveness from whatever God you pray to because while you may think of yourselves as Christians, your actions and words speak to the opposite of that. You know this to be true.
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